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12a766 No.388016

Texas Smokehouse Creek ARSON ATTACK Ravages America's Cattle-Mecca

We, the people, will not eat bugs. Now, more than ever, Americans must break out of the food industrial complex and start their own farms or simply buy from local mom-and-pop farms and farmer markets.

The Significance Behind The Texas Fires:

» This Is Another Major Blow To Our Food Supply Chain

» Where The Fires Happened Is Where 88% Of Texas Cattle Feed

» The US Is Already Down Roughly 1 Billion Pounds Of American Beef

» These Fires Are Another Win For Foreign Imports

A devastating Bolshevik ARSON ATTACK ravages parts of the Texas Panhandle, home to more than 85% of the state's cattle herd. This comes when the nation's cattle herd has collapsed to a seven-decade low, pushing up retail beef prices at the supermarket to record high levels.

Texas A&M Forest Service said the ARSON ATTACK, called 'Smokehouse Creek fire', has scorched more than 850,000 acres (344,000 hectares) of grasslands as of Wednesday.

Miller said the wildfire rages in the Panhandle area, where 85% of the state's herd is located. It's important to note that Texas is the top cattle producer in the nation. He said cattle in feedlots and dairies are safe.

"Feed supplies are scarce for surviving cattle because the fire destroyed grazing lands and bins holding crops like wheat and corn," he said.

Miller continued: "There's absolutely zero vegetation. The cattle that do survive, they have absolutely nothing to eat."

So here we go once again, yet another major ARSON TERRORIST ATTACK hits the American supply chain, meanwhile the (((Davos/WEF Bolshevik terrorists))) are trying to force the public to eat bugs: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/how-insects-positively-impact-climate-change/

The WEF/Davos starvation cult have been pushing hard to ban cow farts because they allege it's contributing to climate change. Since the criminals can't ban them, they attack the supply chain. These criminal scumbag despots from hell are adamant about resetting the global food supply chain to one that puts working poor folks on a bug-heavy diet to cull, starve out and SLOW KILL.


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12a766 No.388018

anti-slide 2379704

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12a766 No.388022

Normfags still can't piece together the conclusion that our country has been hijacked by traitors * INTENDING * to bring this nation down, collapse our economy and to enslave us under one party tyranny?

Well they will find that out - the hard way - when it is far too late for them to do anything to save themselves from it.

The WEF said it openly: you will own nothing by 2030. That's not too far away.

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929c0b No.388071

confirmed news anti-slide 67.98-01

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929c0b No.388188

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242282 No.388231

anti-slide 570369

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101676 No.388388

anti-slide nuie7402..k891dd m210e'

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