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9aaa10 No.387964

Criminal Central Banker Kingpin Finally Dies And Sent To Hell.

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d3e8f6 No.387967


Who knows if he really died or just faked his death.

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9eb2fb No.387970


You've always been resentful of anybody who made something out of themselves… Of course, because you're a high school dropout who never amounted to anything.

Of course you would be jealous and angry and resentful.

As far as you're concerned, anybody who's successful is going to hell

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9eb2fb No.387971


What's funny is you stupidly thinking he still had control of anything, or made any decisions. All of those luxurious reigns are now being held by other family members, the power having been handed down a long, long time ago.

This old coot hasn't remembered what year it is since 1992.

He's basically been a vegetable for a couple decades now.

And you actually thought he was the kingpin?


Which turnip truck did you fall off of yesterday?

I'd like to sell you a bridge. I'd like to help you invest in crypto. You're a smart cookie!

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