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File: 4772bc69ca540f7⋯.png (1.1 MB,994x908,497:454,233555.png)

ddb3fb No.387961

San Francisco Picks Up The Pieces After The Epic Failure Of Their Red State Boycott

In late 2016 the city of San Francisco attempted a sweeping boycott program aimed at building their public image as a leftist "Utopia" while also giving a middle finger to red state economies. The project was called "Chapter 12X" and was authored by California state Senator Scott Wiener.

Even though progressive boycotts have been consistently unsuccessful over the years, this did not stop them from making yet another attempt at the height of the Trump vs Clinton election frenzy. Perhaps they believed the tide was shifting even further to the political left and they were getting ahead of the game.

The goal of San Francisco's effort was to ban all city employees from doing business with companies based in states with policies and laws contrary to progressive dictates. Companies in states with abortion restrictions, states that prevented "trans identifying people" from using the bathroom or locker room of their choice, states that required identification proving citizenship before voting, states that don't obey the tenets of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ideology, states that refused to implement climate change laws and companies that did not disclose carbon impact reports were not allowed to do contract business in San Francisco.

For SF bureaucrats the assumption was that access to the city's market was the prize and through a boycott they would teach red states a lesson. It did not, red states and small rural conservative towns are still booming with growth (white flight 2.0).

In the aftermath of a repeal on the boycott, San Francisco is trying to understand why their plan failed while also still trying to institute some kind of ideological filter on city business dealings. The end of the contract ban is expected to decrease citywide expenditures by at least 20% in 2024 - In the midst of a stagflationary crisis every penny counts.

The lesson to be learned here? Democrats often argue that red states would collapse without blue state and blue city economies. The truth is the exact opposite. Without the production capabilities and lower costs of doing business in red states, progressive enclaves suffocate under the weight of their own taxes, legal restrictions and lack of self reliance. They need conservatives far more than conservatives need them.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ddb3fb No.387962

>Without the production capabilities and lower costs of doing business in red states, progressive enclaves suffocate under the weight of their own taxes, legal restrictions and lack of self reliance.

THIS is what our commie/neo-con politicians and bureaucrats always fundamentally do not comprehend or understand. The same reason they massively underestimated Russia (an industrial powerhouse of homegrown self-sufficiency). You cannot sustain an efficient economy or economic growth without resources and free market capitalism backing it. Period, end of story.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f339 No.387975


Of course you've never been to San Francisco, or California at all for that matter…

You've never been there because you could never afford it. Even back in the old days, on road trips, you always stayed away from the nice larger cities with sophisticated people and classy cultural landscapes.

You're more the truck stop type of guy

Nothing special for you, isn't that right? Nothing fancy… That's too bad

Especially for your wife and your daughter

You could have given them a buried fancy nice comfortable life, but instead you decided to continue being a white trash truck stop frame of mind type of guy… The nothing fancy type of guy…

Nothing fancy at all.. nothing nice

No nice clothes

You dress like a vagabond

No cool nice car

You driving old piece of shit pick up

No nice anything

There in Missouri

The most economically depressed

God forsaken

Low IQ

White trash and

Dangerous worthless nigger monkeys

Piece of shit Missouri

It's a giant trailer park surrounded by a ghetto

You live in one of the worst states in America, absolutely fucking worthless.

And although you've never been to San Francisco, you're really good at copying and pasting cherry picked articles, then assuming other people give a fuck what websites you read.

And San Francisco is definitely fucked up!! It's totally fucked up!! It's out of control!!!


Even with all of its problems, You don't have the money, the sophistication, the intelligence, the creativity, The talent or the balls to make it in California.


It's perfect!

It's fucking gorgeous!!

You're a fucking idiot

Just a broke

Old worn out

Long forgotten

Alcoholic idiot

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f339 No.387976


You wouldn't last a week in California. You don't have the sophistication required.

It would all seem so alien to you

Intelligent people

Making lots of money

That's something you're unfamiliar with

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

02f339 No.387977


Of course you're jealous about California

You've got every reason to be jealous

California is for winners

Not for people like you

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3521c3 No.387978

File: 5a58d15d9ed3842⋯.png (700.09 KB,875x492,875:492,1973_Chevy.png)


>driving old piece of shit pick up

You had me until that. Ain't nothin' sexier than a mid-70s American box body.

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