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3f938e No.387959

Backup Any Online Media You Desire NOW, Houthis Have Begun Cutting Undersea Internet Cables!

3 submarine cables cut in the Red Sea between Jeddah and Djibouti. AAE-1, EIG and SEACOM/TGN-Eurasia are down. Note: Authorities looking at potential terror link.

Confirmed: Submarine cables cut by Houthis in Yemen waters.

To repair the cables, need permission from Yemen to enter their waters

Insurance companies have canceled insurance for cable ships to ply in Yemen waters

No maintenance cable ships willing to do repairs

Cable ships cost $60-&100 million each. Who will take the risk?


MY COMMENT: I already have plenty of backups of everything I desire. What I recommend is having, at the very least, TWO offline "cold storage" copy external HDD drives of all the media you desire to collect and keep for the future, the more backup drives the better chance at long-term preservation of all the files. Have anything very important, such as info /dump/ memes and informative DIY guides backed up to DVD data disks as well. You should also have a few spare laptops and PCs with extra computer hardware to maintain them in storage. If the internet ever goes down, you could refer to your offline resource library if need be. I also recommend buying important books too, as you may sometime soon need to ration generated energy in a grid-down event. Also note, if the internet and/or power grid goes down longer than 8 hours you should be on high alert and have your prepping contingency plans ready to defend yourself, family and private property!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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