Here is a great comment I was looking for:
IfledNYS 1 day ago.
I leave it to your imagination as to what America's major cities will look like 24 hours after an attack by a foreign power or powers:
-Widespread power outages lasting days, weeks or longer
-Deliveries of food, gasoline, diesel fuel and other essential goods become intermittent and then cease altogether
-Pharmaceutical drugs for treating chronic illnesses and especially mental health problems become unobtainable
-Trash collection ceases
-Bank runs empty the tills and ATMs of all available cash.
-A barter economy becomes the only means of buying and selling. Cash becomes worthless. Ammunition of every caliber becomes "the poor man's gold".
-Hospitals quickly exhaust medical supplies.
-Police Officers, Firemen and EMT's leave their posts to stay with, and protect their own families
-Outbreaks of diseases due to poor sanitation and contaminated food and water
-Government decrees proclaiming martial law and imposing states of emergency become unenforceable due to the absence of soldiers and police.
-Cities fracture and then enclave along racial and ethnic lines.
-Governmental authority evaporates.
-The Internet ceases to function.
-Local militias and armed neighborhood self defense groups form to combat looting and nihilistic destruction.
-No-go areas become widespread
-Travel of any kind becomes difficult to impossible.
-Truthful and accurate information of what is occurring both in and outside of the city becomes almost unobtainable.