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File: 9aac888329f8111⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,2550x3300,17:22,_My_Global_Collapse_Shall_….jpg)

7733be No.387883

‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God!

“It will happen, My son, total economic collapse everywhere on the planet. Prepare, what can you do when all is gone by man’s hand? The global collapse will affect all the currencies of the world, rendering them worthless, My son, because they have no backing like gold or silver, only the word of men. That is what makes them valuable. I shall upend the apple cart of the global financial system, and they shall go flying around all over! The currencies of the world have no value, then what shall you do? I will protect you, making loaves and fishes multiply for My people. I shall be your sustenance, not money of the world, for that shall be no more by man’s corruption. Prepare to be led of Me into the wilderness to be nourished by Me, the Living God! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”


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c5798c No.387886

MY COMMENT: Use what money you still have in the banks to buy up physical assets and make sure you have little to no debt. Focus on the most basic necessities: food, water, extra clothing/boots/shoes, sanitation supplies, medical supplies, tools & accessories, extra lumber, firearms/ammo/gun cleaning kits, water filtration supplies & rain water collection setup, solar power backups/generators/power inverters/battery banks/trickle chargers, wood burning stove for winter, etc. Have all things "low tech" and "no tech" covered. Have all entry points into your home fortified (or ready to fortify at moments notice), also do contingency planning with your family…..

Read anon's reply posted below for what to prepare for:

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c5798c No.387887

CraigSummit 9 hours ago.

We’re at WAR: Are YOU Ready for Electric Grid Down?

• EMP or Saboteurs Can EASILY Take Down Grid, Kill 90% of Americans

• Transformers Destroyed or FRIED - YEARS to Replace - Made in CHINA!

• NO Power, Cellphones, Water Supply, Gas Pumps

• LIGHTS: Solar Flashlights, Kerosene Lanterns

• WATER: Berkey/Other Water Filter-Filter Native Water

• HEAT: Firewood, Woodstove, Candles, S. Windows

• COOKING: Real Charcoal Grill, Woodstove, Solar Oven

• COMMS: CB; Ham; Satellite Texting or Talk/Text Phones

• SECURITY: Neighbors! Firearms, Ammo, Night Vision

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c5798c No.387888


Here is a great comment I was looking for:

IfledNYS 1 day ago.

I leave it to your imagination as to what America's major cities will look like 24 hours after an attack by a foreign power or powers:

-Widespread power outages lasting days, weeks or longer

-Deliveries of food, gasoline, diesel fuel and other essential goods become intermittent and then cease altogether

-Pharmaceutical drugs for treating chronic illnesses and especially mental health problems become unobtainable

-Trash collection ceases

-Bank runs empty the tills and ATMs of all available cash.

-A barter economy becomes the only means of buying and selling. Cash becomes worthless. Ammunition of every caliber becomes "the poor man's gold".

-Hospitals quickly exhaust medical supplies.

-Police Officers, Firemen and EMT's leave their posts to stay with, and protect their own families

-Outbreaks of diseases due to poor sanitation and contaminated food and water

-Government decrees proclaiming martial law and imposing states of emergency become unenforceable due to the absence of soldiers and police.

-Cities fracture and then enclave along racial and ethnic lines.

-Governmental authority evaporates.

-The Internet ceases to function.

-Local militias and armed neighborhood self defense groups form to combat looting and nihilistic destruction.

-No-go areas become widespread

-Travel of any kind becomes difficult to impossible.

-Truthful and accurate information of what is occurring both in and outside of the city becomes almost unobtainable.


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912f4b No.387892


hahaha EAT SHIT, you unemployed schizophrenic bum

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5f65de No.387940

anti-slide 67

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