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315d05 No.387873

Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. CST

Ashley Schneider is finally facing her criminal trial, charged with stalking, violating a judge's restraining order, and obstructing a law enforcement officer.

Since she's a first offender, she's going to only receive one year in jail. No prison time, just 365 days in the county jail.

But she has no intention of showing up for court tomorrow. If you'll notice, she's disappeared from here recently.

But her mother told me she's still down in the basement, making herself scarce, and barely even coming up to look for food in the refrigerator.

Ashley is SO fucking insane, she actually thinks she can hide out from the cops in her mother's basement, even though they know where her mother lives.

Ashley doesn't have any friends in real life, because the only two people who 'were ever nice to her' Are the two women she's been stalking.

She made them regret feeling sorry for her. She doesn't have any real life friends, and her family can't stand her.

Even her mother hates her, and wants her out of the basement, but she's a spineless, and allows Ashley to continue mooching off her.

Just for the record, tomorrow morning at 8:30, Ashley officially becomes a fugitive, and the judge will sign a bench warrant for her, instructing the deputies to go extract her out of mommy's basement.

Once they find her, she won't be posting any more threads for 365 days

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