WTF? Propagandists Say America Does Not Deserve Clean Safe Cities Because We Want Freedom?
In a post last week, I wrote that amid all the rage at Tucker Carlson's reporting from Moscow, none of his critics had bothered to explain why America can't have nice things, like Moscow's clean and safe subways.
It looks like I spoke too soon. One Tucker critic (a longtime one at that), Jon Stewart, has bothered to explain why America can't have nice things. You can hear him say it himself in the clip from his Daily Show in the X post below, but in a nutshell, Jon Stewart argues that our squalor is the price of freedom.
Jon Stewart unironically tells Tucker Carlson that the reason why the US can’t have clean functioning subways or cheap grocery prices like they do in Moscow is “the literal price of freedom”
— HOT SPOT (@HotSpotHotSpot) February 20, 2024
As you can imagine, this generated some heated responses. Some pointed out that Moscow isn't the only city with clean and safe subways–democratic Tokyo has them too.
Tokyo is unfree fascist society too?
— Bronze Age Pervert (@bronzeagemantis) February 20, 2024
Others suggested that Stewart's concept of "freedom" really only applies to America's criminal class.
Jon Stewart’s “freedom” just walked out with $51k of Gucci.
— David Pinsen (@dpinsen) February 20, 2024
Lets be honest, freedom does not guarantee you any right to harm others, steal merchandise or commit felony crime in your community. That is not what freedom is about at all. There can still be public safety laws enforced while law abiding citizens have their freedom, America has proven this fact for decades in our past history.
Helen Andrews noted that Jon Stewart (and other American pundits attacking Tucker Carlson for showing Moscow's nice amenities) were deceiving themselves like Russian communists did during the Cold War, to avoid admitting their lower living standards.
Calling social decay "the literal price of freedom" is a self-deception to make us accept declining living standards — the same way Russians during the Cold War knew the U.S. had better stores but told themselves it's OK because Soviet wealth goes into industrialization & Sputnik.
— Helen Andrews (@herandrews) February 20, 2024