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File: 5e75ceccde7c3e7⋯.png (4.86 KB,279x69,93:23,100001110002.png)

fc21cd No.387839

It is time to start dropping literal bombs and missiles from planes on "gay pride parades" in June. Of course every individual will be identified and executed that participated or contributed to the situation in the New York cathedral, by March 1, 2025.

If the bombs are dropped this year or later, it should be a widespread, coordinated, and Godly attack. Coordinate with the militia and military.

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6346dc No.387840

Fedpost the post!!!

Kill yourself tranny fed kike nigger.

4ch sux, people migrate here, and the false-flag machines get revved up! Shut it down!

Kill all the jews and all of their shabbos goyim on the entire planet !




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1c3b0f No.387841

File: 8dc32a8961f0323⋯.png (339.57 KB,1029x2047,1029:2047,Screenshot_20240220_060604….png)

File: 5e50a6f167b10e8⋯.png (995.91 KB,1080x2120,27:53,Screenshot_20240220_060628….png)


Now you're fucked

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1c3b0f No.387842

File: 844592053bc796a⋯.png (828.11 KB,1080x2265,72:151,Screenshot_20240220_060824….png)


And now you're going to jail

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