France Is Now A Despotic Medical Dictatorship
Today a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a "sectarian aberration" crime, called "provocation to abandon medical treatment." It carries a penalty of up to 3 years imprisonment and 45,000 euros.
“This new law forbids any criticism of the "therapeutic treatments" which will be recommended or made obligatory by the state. Any person who dares to openly criticize these therapies will be liable to fines and imprisonment.”
The French government basely maneuvered so that an item referred to as "article 4" was adopted. It was virulently ridiculed in the French Assembly:
Already, renowned doctors are being targeted, whom this law will silence.
France is taking a totalitarian turn for the worst, Macron and his henchmen are followers of the inhumane despotic WEF and Davos globalist policies.
It is a catastrophe for the country where a majority of citizens no longer obey vaccine propaganda. Social unrest ahead.
Never in our worst nightmares did we dream the Western world would become so rotten. We, in America, better support our Bill of Rights and never allow civil disarmament because it's all we have left to prevent this tyrannical sewage from being forced against us, they are trying to kill Western civilization… and this is a hill to die on.