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a22d31 No.387772

Hope you got out of these commie-run shitholes while you could. It's going to get a LOT WORSE as the collapse of the USSA unfolds…


→The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, feared for how it tortures its victims, is setting up shop in New York City, police sources revealed to The Post.

→Migrants in moped gangs and retail theft rings, some carrying guns, are terrorizing the Big Apple, Yonkers and New Jersey.

→Two-man teams snatch pedestrians’ phones and deliver them to Tren de Aragua stash houses, where professional hackers drain their cash apps and make fraudulent banking transactions. Then the phones are wiped clean and shipped to South America for resale.

→One of these moped thieves savagely dragged a 62-year-old woman down a Brooklyn street, making off with her purse.

→A shopper at JD Sports near Times Square was shot in the leg when a security guard tried to stop baby-faced 15-year-old migrant Jesus Alejandro Rivas-Figueroa from robbing the store last week, police say.

→Figueroa allegedly whipped out a .45-caliber handgun and shot into the crowd.

→Chicago is also being terrorized.

→Professional criminals enlist migrants from the shelters to raid luxury stores at the suburban Oakbrook Center mall, five miles west of the city.

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0bf832 No.387777

Fuck you, redneck Trailerpark White trash BROKE ALCOHOLIC PARANOID MENTALLY ILL washed-up lonely fool

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0bf832 No.387778


you're SEVENTY FIVE YEARS OLD and you can't afford to live on your own


Advice from YOU??!!!!

haha shut the fuck up, chicken plucker

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0bf832 No.387779

As if ANYBODY wants to 'folliw your lead' and become a washed-up broke bum who has to beg his daughter to please let him have a place to live, so he can eat her food, destroy her marriage, spin in circles with paranoid delusions, AND DRINK HIMSELF TO DEATH IN THE SHITTIEST BACKWOODS REDNECK SHITHOLE STATE IN AMERICA, and not have a single god damn person who listens to anything he says in real life OR online.


you're fucking INSANE, dude

Nobody gives a fuck what you say

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0bf832 No.387780


Hey, Asshole…

Leave my buddy Killcen alone

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8157f5 No.387781


>you can't afford to live on your own

You always spout that but that is not true at all. I paid off half of the mortgage over a year ago, the other half was paid off by my family members. We own the homestead 50/50. Nobody is leaving. I can do what I want here, and so can they.



Country life is better than life in the collapsing cities today in the USSA. It may not have been that way 40 years ago, but that is a fact today, cities are collapsing with corruption, looting, violent crime, vandalism and poverty. Unless you are making multi-millions and live in a well guarded gated community, cities are going to hell in general. America's cities are some of the worst in the world today and that is a fact. Like I said, that was not always the case but it is today.


>Nobody gives a fuck what you say

Doesn't change reality, facts are facts, deal with it.

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