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ff6100 No.387761

Post-communist Russia 30 Years After The Collapse of the USSR

“What was radicalizing, very shocking, and very disturbing for me was the city of Moscow, where I'd never been. The biggest city in Europe, 13 million people - and it is so much nicer than any city in my country, I had no idea. My father spent a lot of time there in the '80s, when he worked for the U.S. government, and barely had electricity. And now, it is so much cleaner, and safer, and prettier - aesthetically: its architecture, its food, its service - than any city in the United States that you have to ask… How did that happen?

And at a certain point, I don't think the average person cares as much about abstractions as the concrete reality of his life. And if you can't use your Subway, for example, as many people are afraid to in New York City because it's too dangerous, you have to sort of wonder like isn't that the ultimate measure of leadership? And that's true, by the way, it's radicalizing for an American to go to Moscow (I didn't know that, I learned it last week), to Singapore, or to Tokyo, or to Dubai in Abu Dhabi, because these cities - no matter how we're told they're run, on what principles they're run, are wonderful places to live. They don't have rampant inflation, you're not going to get raped…” [the interviewer abruptly interrupts at this point].

You can watch the full interview below, in which Tucker also weighs in on Biden's mental competency, the war in Gaza, and other topics:

Tucker Carlson Interviewed By Emad Eldin Adeeb:

MIRROR 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R144pSb-Hl8

MIRROR 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gYa5Xg21Cwwa/

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0a961a No.387762


The day I need an ALCOHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT to "teach me things", I'll be sure to let you know.

Until that day arrives, shut the fuck up. Go drink another bottle of whiskey and misspell one syllable words somewhere else.

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ffe56d No.387763

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cad584 No.387764


Maybe he isn't radicalized. Maybe the media is just insane-ified?

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a4854b No.387769


After listening to the whole interview last night, I agree, he's not radical at all. He is totally sane. Listen to the whole interview and it is absolutely shocking when you sit back and think how all of this crazy shit has happened over the last 20-so years.

What was interesting is he openly called war profiteers evil, the fact they are evil for exploiting human misery, death and destruction for their own personal profit and political ideologies instead of trying to resolve disputes through diplomacy; the audience nearly gave him a standing ovation after he mentioned that.

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