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35887d No.387755

German Government: Prepare For Massive Migration Wave When Russia Wins War

The German government believes if Ukraine loses the war with Russia, a mass exodus of up to ten million migrants will flee the country, particularly into Germany, where the asylum system is already cracking under the pressure of the past decade of open borders policies.

Berlin is expecting that approximately ten million more people would leave the country in the event of a Russian victory, with the vast majority heading towards countries in Western Europe, a newspaper report citing parliamentary and security services sources claims.

However, some have warned that this estimate may be downplaying how many Ukrainians will seek lives in other countries, with migration researcher Gerald Knaus telling the Welt am Sonntag newspaper: “If Ukraine lost the war, many more than ten million refugees could come to the EU. It is already the largest escape movement in Europe since the 1940s.

“There is a big difference compared to the mass exodus in the context of the war in Syria. Turkey has now closed the border with Syria and built a wall. The EU will not do this in relation to Ukraine. So if [Europe] does not want the number of refugees to increase, it must now help Ukraine to win its defensive war.”

Roderich Kiesewetter, a member of the Bundestag parliament for the centrist Christian Democratic Union (CDU), added: “If we don’t change our strategy to support Ukraine, the worst-case scenario of a mass exodus from Ukraine and an expansion of the war to NATO countries will be much more likely. Then ten million refugees would be a low estimate.”


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074a91 No.387756


Unreliable, unstable alcoholic

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a15b84 No.387766


seems to me like russia has already won the war.

Aren't they already building up the cities in donbass?

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