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File: a520edbd98880e8⋯.jpg (167.34 KB,1200x900,4:3,Netherlands_Farmers_Protes….jpg)

5e7a8e No.387654

EU Backs Down On Draconian "Green" Mandates After Massive Farmers Protests

The European Commission has bent the knee to protesting farmers - and is dropping key passages in a proposal for a new 2040 goal aimed at cutting greenhouse gas.

According to the EU exeuctive's plan, "all sectors" need to now contribute to the effort - but the previously mandated 30% cut to agricultural production between by 2040 is gone. The revised draft has also excluded a mandate for citizens to make lifestyle changes - such as eating less meat, and a push to end fossil fuel subsidies, Politico reports.

One wonders how the fuck would the EU manage to enforce "lifestyle changes" without setting up a massive pervasive police state? How do you get people to stop eating unless you police their homes and the grocery stores they go to? Pleb rationing?

Farmers' protests have broken out in many countries across Europe in recent weeks, with the industry expressing discontent over the EU’s green policies. Some of the largest demonstrations have been in Germany, prompted by a cut to diesel subsidies. Brussels has faced calls from industry groups and some political parties to lay out a 2040 climate pathway that doesn’t ignite further anger.

The EU's plan is set to be presented on Tuesday and will recommend a 90 percent cut in total EU emissions by 2040 from 1990 levels.

"We need to make sure we have a balanced approach," said European Commission Wopke Hoekstra, who unveiled the revised proposal. "The vast majority of our citizens sees the effects of climate change, does want protection, but is also worried about what that implies for their livelihood."

Meanwhile, the BBC reports that the EU has also scrapped plans to cut pesticide use in half across the EU - which was to take effect by 2030 as part of the so-called "Green Deal."

"Our farmers deserve to be listened to," said Von der Leyen in a Tuesday meeting of Parliament. "I know that they are worried about the future of agriculture and their future as farmers."


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