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d5980f No.387614

Abolitionism was less popular IN THE NORTH then than the libertarian party is today. Do any faggots really think tens of thousands of northern boys went to fight specifically against the moral wrong of slavery in the south while ignoring slavery in the north? No. The south threatened to secede 30 years earlier due to a northern imposed tariff screwing them both ways. The tariff was removed before fighting began at that time, but when Lincoln got in office congress passed the same tariff and he stationed troops in the south to enforce it. The rest is history. “Slavery” was the post facto moral justification for northern aggression and wasn’t even brought up until halfway through the war when Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation as a very well calculated PR stunt.

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6e6406 No.387667


The founding principles, documents and Constitution of the Confederate States all declare slavery as the reason. The CSA literally said it was slavery and they fought to keep it. Are you denying what the CSA literally said themselves? You're fucking retarded.

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74499a No.387678


In other words, you're unemployed, you have no money, you can't support yourself, and you never completed high school.

Got it

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