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d7bdf2 No.387581

Donald Trump Wins Nevada Primary Even When Kicked OFF The Ballot LOL

Nikki Haley has failed to win the Nevada primary despite there being no other Republican candidates on the ticket. Donald Trump was not allowed to be on the ballot either, some "democracy" afterall right?

Haley came in second place to “None of These Candidates,” losing by around 22,000 votes. Overall, she received less than a third of the votes.

Donald Trump joked that Haley would soon be claiming victory.

Haley’s campaign at this point is a joke, yet she still refuses to drop out of the race.

Candidates were given the option to participate in either the primary or a caucus scheduled to take place on Thursday. Trump chose to run in the caucus, where the allocation of the state’s delegates will take place.

The AP reports that Bruce Parks, the Chair of the Washoe County Republican Party, advised voters to actively engage in the primary by choosing “none of these candidates” over Haley.


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b0ab70 No.387584


Doesn't matter. Biden is going to mop the floor with whatever idiot the MAGAtards wheel out.

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cafced No.387593


Trump fills whole stadiums of people and Biden can't fill a fucking school gym, yet you expect anyone to believe you assholes don't rig elections and cheat with voter fraud? Fuck you and your fucking cult. Go fight Russia for us, lose and die already.

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