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File: 5ad2f517c946ef6⋯.png (4.21 KB,414x123,138:41,the_end.PNG)

935d41 No.387563

/pol/ now has a filter only bots and glowies will pass. it is controlled discussion :)

this place was already picking up ground before but this is too much. nothing left on 4chn pol but total propaganda. i just will tune it out

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7bf1e2 No.387566

4cuckistan has been infiltrated and controlled by glow niggers for the last 10 years dude. Most social media has been.

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7bf1e2 No.387567

File: 7217336d379742b⋯.png (147.4 KB,1004x891,1004:891,Censored_at_4cuck_glow_sit….png)

I watched stuff like this get killed within MINUTES for some time. Literally, the 4chan mods want mindless plebs consuming their garbage propaganda and slandering one another all day. They do not wish for real talk. They do not wish for corruption to be exposed. They do not wish for you to learn anything or to learn how to better yourself. See pic, thread that got shut down within a couple minutes after exposing ….. A SOLUTION!

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58968c No.387571


Yeah and meanwhile all the glowie sponsored threads get bumped by bots willing to wait 1 minute to make a gay chatGTP reply

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176626 No.387574


I got banned and have not been back in 2 months

too much drivel

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7538eb No.387585


Why do people still come here and think we give a rat's ass about /pol/ or 4chan? This is not /pol/. This is not your bunker. Fuck off.

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8f8f59 No.387587


Niggers, TKD.

Death to all jews and all shabbos goyim worldwide

That’s why

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7538eb No.387588


You're a mincing little faggot who cries anonymously online about big spoopy meanies. If you want death to someone, do it your fucking self.

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7bf1e2 No.387612

File: 5af6131aa1eee71⋯.png (24.36 KB,597x176,597:176,44444.png)

File: c95e4366bcf0fb5⋯.png (246.94 KB,1533x810,511:270,555445.png)

There are large collections of this kind of exposure. If you know where to look. dump for example. Basically yes, most media is infiltrated by government or political propagandists and narrative gatekeepers.

There are NGOs doing this stuff too, and a fair amount of Shareblue DNC shills lurk here and like to troll and try to demoralize average Americans. They are propagandists and they do work for the political establishment or the government. Just call them out as glow niggers, they know damn well that's what they are.

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3b3a6b No.387776


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