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55d44a No.387541

Tucker Carlson Spotted In Moscow As Neocons Melt Down Over Potential Putin Interview

Russian media outlet "Mash" reports that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was seen at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in recent days. On the social media platform X, there's enormous interest in Carlson's trip and speculation about whether he plans to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As of Sunday morning, "Tucker" was trending on X with over 307,000 posts.

The journalist previously relayed a story about trying to set up a Putin interview, until a Washington, DC source briefed him about how the NSA spied on him:

"The NSA broke into my signal account, which I didn't know they could do," he previously said.

"I got a call from somebody in Washington. This person said: 'Are you gonna come to Washington anytime soon?' Yeah. Actually, I'm gonna be up in a week, meet me Sunday morning."

"So I go, and this person's like: 'Are you planning a trip to go see Putin?' And I was like, 'how would you know that?' I haven't told anybody. I mean anybody. Not my brother. Not my wife, nobody."

"How would you know that? 'Because NSA pulled your text with this other person you were texting.'"

The US government spied on Tucker Carlson to stop him from interviewing Vladamir Putin.

"Uncensored on X. The US deep state and the Biden administration must be in panic mode because Putin (the most censored man in the West) will expose their propaganda and lies," X user Kim Dotcom wrote in a post.

Neocons are going berserk:

"Perhaps we need a total and complete shutdown of Tucker Carlson re-entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," Bill Kristol said.

X user The Redheaded Libertarian responded to Kristol: "Barring a journalist from coming home is some KGB shit, Bill."

Tucker hasn’t even chatted with Putin yet, and the first fights have already broken out on the Internet.

Tucker Carlson will interview Putin and the media is in panic mode. They're losing control of the narrative.

This comes as Elon Musk has freed Twitter from corporate and government control while citizen journalists, armed with keyboards, report the news unbiasedly. In other words, the matrix has glitched.


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55d44a No.387542

Another gem that will be recorded for the future history books for sure, if this comes to pass. Can't wait to watch this if he is successful.

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1e07b7 No.387545

I would love Putin to tell Americans why they nationalized their central banking system, and why they have banned all Soros-backed NGOs from their country.

I would also like Tucker to ask Putin about his pHd and thesis in global economics, and his perspective about the essential survival of a nation when it comes to manufacturing, refining, mining and extracting commodities, the need for energy, agriculture, trade and maintaining monetary solvency, reducing debt dependency and the importance of keeping the voting base dumb, but very happy, fit and well fed.

I would find such talk very interdasting, and likewise, so should the Five Eyes ;)

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fb309f No.387718


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