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File: e0c5c412c9d7066⋯.png (428.68 KB,740x1112,185:278,21418.png)

73fe7f No.387528

LOL! Looks like the West forgot that socialism, central control over the economy, doesn't actually work.


Maybe it's time to restore free market capitalism and consumer choice? Basic supply and demand? Consumers choose what they actually want or need and then industry is allowed to produce/manufacture the stuff? Remember that not-too-distantly-old concept? Well it actually worked.

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d0c5f4 No.387535

File: 1ec9cf0d1ed1b15⋯.jpg (870.52 KB,1200x1440,5:6,Chinas_economic_history_pr….jpg)

Yes. China learned the same thing. In the late seventies they transitioned to a market economy and have seen exponential growth. What makes them different from western markets is that they have a tradition of preventing monopolies. The state has power over the corporate interests and not vice-versa.

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73fe7f No.387540


We do have anti-trust laws to break up monopolies here in the USSA. PROBLEM: anti-trust laws are no longer enforced by the State as the State has seized total centralized control over everything including our entire economy (which is what communists traditionally have done, and to which has ruined nation after nation!)

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adc1b6 No.387544



If China manages to stay out of endless wars and continues to build up engineering, manufacturing and production of goods and services, China will be the next major superpower and world leader in innovation. China will have to resist a lot of pressure & war mongering the corrupted US and European governments will likely culminate. Sad to say it and it is unfortunate it would have to end this way for the Western world, our doom wasn't necessary. We could have stopped the wars, we could have stifled all the war mongering, we could have gone back to being a Constitutional Republic embracing the strength and success of free market capitalism and sound currency. We could have defended our own borders and refused to kill fellow citizens with toxic mRNA damaging clot shot 'vaccines'. We could have promoted real healthy policies and boosted incentives for organic agricultural production. We failed so other nations will naturally replace the potentials our government has so eagerly thrown away. Any nation who adopts the modern policies of the Western world is doomed for third world failure and balkanization at this point.

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6c9e88 No.387717


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