I realize that I'm extremely annoying…
But that's actually just a performance art thing I do
I'm just being silly, believe it or not.. when you see me at my very worst, I'm just pulling your fucking leg
I'm like an extremely annoying Andy Kaufman
Playing a joke on the audience
Because they don't realize
I'm just kidding
This is all a joke
I don't hate you
I never hated Jerry
I never hated you
I actually love both of you guys a lot
You're the only two guys I ever related to in here, because we're all old enough to understand how bad things have become
Yes… The world is in a downward spiral
But dude, it's been in a downward spiral since thousands of years before you were born… And it's not going to stop anytime soon…
This is not the end of the world
It's just the end of OUR world
You and me and Jerry
This is the end of our generation
But it's not the end of the world
So why don't you just lighten up?
If you're going to be an alcoholic, at least do it the right way
Be a happy drunk… Stop trying to scare people and worry people… Stop trying to make people afraid to enjoy their lives
Just because you can't enjoy yours
Seriously dude… Have a drink on me
It's Sunday morning.
It's 8:32 a.m. here in San Diego
I've been working on The animation project all night, and I'm about to pour a morning coffee cocktail, with PROPER 12 Irish whiskey and imported Irish grog dark roast coffee.
Why don't you have a drink on me?
Pour yourself a stiff one, and let's cop a buzz.
Relax dude….
You and I don't have long here, do we?
But it's not scary. I'm not scared. I realize my time is coming very very soon, and I'm not afraid at all
I know you're not afraid of death…
You're not…
When it comes to dying, you're actually very brave about it
But that's the only thing you're brave about
Because you worry too much
And you try to make other people worry
Why don't you just relax?
We're old, dude…
Why don't you just try to enjoy what you have left?
Hold on a minute. I'm pouring another Irish coffee
(Proper 12 is pretty good. I bought it instead of single malt scotch, because I like the label)