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f06f2f No.387446

Neo-cons Rage As Turkish Authorities Arrest 30 Mossad Agents

Before we get into this, please remember that Turkiye is part of the North Atlantic Terrorist Treaty Organisation (NATO).

Turkish authorities have arrested over 30 people with suspected ties to Israel’s Mossad intelligence service, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said on 2 January.

But wait, it gets better.

“Our fight against organized crime organizations and spies that disturb the peace of our families will continue with determination and determination,” the interior minister said.

Hahaha, the Turks are calling Israeli intelligence organised crime. I’ll bet there are heads exploding in DC, Brussels, and, of course, Tel Aviv.

Be sure, we’ll shortly be seeing any or all of the following:

1. An attempted “colour revolution” in Turkiye. The last one orchestrated by the CIA in 2016 failed, but hey…

2. Sanctions, because they worked so well against the Russkies. When you’re a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.

3. CNN running stories about Erdy killing babies or even worse… misgendering alphabet people.

What surely must be clear to all but a complete moron at this point is that Turkiye has already decisively moved towards the East, and the only reason they’re still in NATO is to collect the few billion a year in military spending they get from the US. This can’t and won’t last.

Why this matters is multifaceted but certainly it is worth noting that control of the Bosphorus is crucial.

In fact, while the Suez is currently becoming a hotbed of activity (as it always is in global conflicts), so too is the Bosphorus.


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28befb No.387521


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28befb No.387536

anti-slide 355.909

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99605b No.387713


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99605b No.387724


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99605b No.387725


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