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51a31b No.387412

International Court of Justice Holds 15 - 2 AGAINST Israel For Gaza Genocide

This morning, January 26, 2024, the International Court of Justice held, by a vote of 15-2, that the case accusing Israel of "Genocide" in the Gaza Strip, has merit, will proceed, and Provisional measures are ordered.

The court ruled that the dispute charged by South Africa against Israel is legitimate, the case can be adjudicated by the court, the parties to the case have legal standing, the acts alleged are "capable of" qualifying under the Genocide Convention, and Provisional measures are warranted.


Here is video of the court's full ruling this morning. It is lengthy, and boring to listen to, but what is interesting is how, point-by-point, the court decided:

1) If the parties to the Dispute have legal standing to bring a case. The court held "yes."

2) If the court itself has jurisdiction over the dispute. The court held "yes."

3) If the acts alleged fall under the Genocide convention. The court held the accusations "ARE capable" of being Genocidal.

4) If Provisional measures should be ordered by the court. The court held "yes."

5) What Provisional measures should be ordered? . . . The court did order several, but not all of what was requested.


Here is a good video with Judge Napolitano and Former British Ambassador Craig Murray Analysis of ICJ Ruling:


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d2c73e No.387419


Too bad they didn't call for a full ceasefire but knowing the US and Israel are corrupt rogue nations at this point it probably would have been ignored completely and the bombing campaigns would continue ruthlessly anyway. But at least the rest of the world gets to see our 'leaders' for what they really are: war criminals.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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