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f17bc6 No.387371

My name is Ashley Nichole Schneider

I was born on July 31st, 1990

I am flat broke

I'm 33 years old, and I'm FLAT BROKE

I'm also schizophrenic as fuck

totally unmedicated

I'm stupid as shit

(just read my insane writing)

I'm stupid as shit

But in my mentally ill mind

I think I'm a brilliant genius

I'm going to jail in 21 days

for Stalking Amanda Morgan

and Amanda Brach

I'm a fucking idiot

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f17bc6 No.387372


you forgot to mention that you're ugly

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d1ca29 No.387376


You'd have to be a glow nigger if you have access to stuff people here are doing in their own lives offline. Another reason I don't trust sites like this, or any of it's user bases, at all.

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f17bc6 No.387390


You were correct when you said I live at 500 Allen Street, fond du lac Wisconsin

It's my mother's house, and I am quite literally lived downstairs in her basement. Not even a meme

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