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File: f4d8b2bad4b8c2e⋯.jpg (96.62 KB,523x638,523:638,f4d8b2bad4b8c2e52d17107694….jpg)

fa9989 No.387311

Hello people,

Once upon a time, Chans were meant to be fun spaces. I come from that time, were negativity and sadness were overcome with a good chuckle. I left the Chans to follow my life path, I became a father of beautiful children. I see you seem all sad, but I never forgot the fun, now I'm briefly back to brighten your day a little. Did you like the Gioconda? lol

Now seriously, how many times cloudflare blocks you? How many times you have to prove you are human? How many times you wished you used Tor and could navigate the Internet as if it was nothing?

It is been many years that I navigate the Internet freely and without roadblocks, because I use a VPN which only I know the good servers. This link tells you my story: http://frogmar.ch/history/

I'm sharing the good servers with you here: https://frogmar.ch/shop/?add-to-cart=6133 for free.

It is free, you can use my VPN servers to create anonymous accounts on services, to post wherever you want. Get your freedom of expression back!

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61c98c No.387312

File: 341f21f5698e30f⋯.webp (180.2 KB,1200x2200,6:11,Where_vs_Were_scaled_jpg.webp)

lol @ you being banned from 4chan

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1f12b1 No.387313

I did not even try 4chan.

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2043e5 No.387347


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fa9989 No.387364


I want to give a big thanks for the mods for not having deleted my thread.

To demonstrate my gratitude, here are 14 coupons for grabs:















Any coupon is applicable here: https://frogmar.ch/shop/?add-to-cart=6294

That gives you free access for one year to my VPN system.

After confirmed, please visit Customer → My Configuration.

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919fae No.387375

Bumpity! Bump!

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