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File: ce8764f4cd0e60f⋯.png (125.76 KB,965x1050,193:210,DUMB_ASSES.png)

3cf518 No.387309


MY COMMENT: It is really easy to not have problems: just stop creating the problems! When a group of privileged oligarchs or control freak governments (or both in many cases) try to change human nature and human behavior it causes instability, crisis, growing distrust and lots of problems!

You know the way you keep populism at bay!? Lower taxes for average workers, allow the free market to operate as it should without intervention, let consumers decide the results of natural supply and demand, stop the government from overspending and creating financial insolvency, end the senseless wars, stop lying to the public, stop trying to be gatekeepers of information, allow production of commodities and manufacturing to grow and thus trade will flourish! That's all that you need to do to solve all the problems and keep people dumb and happy! If you continue making peoples' lives miserable, guess what happens!? People wake up! People get pissed off! People stop trusting you and your institutions and your media outlets!

It's really THAT simple.


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9ec2c4 No.387314


who the hell are you talking to, dude? you're the only person in here

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3cf518 No.387330

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

72bd79 No.387350

anti-slide )(*^HJHBIDHKHD&*^*(&^YWUIB#WGt806gpi;jbn24;k1njuor[ednk32f'





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