NYC neighborhood turned into giant toilet as migrants litter park with poop, leave cups of urine on doorsteps.
It's kinda like you get the kind of politics you voted for, right!?
Migrants outside an East Village intake center have been crappy neighbors.
Since November, thousands of adult migrants have waited outside the former St. Brigid’s School on East 7th Street, and overflow into Tompkins Square Park, to score a bed in the city’s shelter system after their 30-day and 60-day stay limits expired.
But shit hit the fan – and the sidewalks and streets – last week when the city Parks Department yanked a trio of Port-a-potties from the park.
The loos had become so filthy that workers gave up on maintaining them, according to locals.
“There was a cup of what I thought was somebody’s discarded hot chocolate that turned out to be not hot chocolate,” said street cleaner John Cashvan.
“On warmer days, it can smell like a toilet over here — and not a well kept-toilet.”
A Parks spokesperson said port-a-potties are difficult to maintain and clean, but that a public restroom operated by the agency was available at McKinley Playground roughly 7 minutes away.
A spokesperson for the mayor’s office said they were aware about complaints regarding a lack of showers and bathrooms, but added that many migrants are choosing to line up when they do not have to.
Many are sleeping outside and standing on line despite space at short-term holding centers.