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bc9ed9 No.387293

"Food Deserts" Rise In Communist-rundown Cities As Grocers Leave In Droves

The panic is palpable. Democrat controlled cities across the nation are experiencing something they might never have experienced before: Consequences for their terrible criminal prosecution policies. And, they won't like it. Not one bit.

Democrats have argued for the past couple years that crime rates are actually falling in the US compared to previous decades, but this does not seem to be represented on the streets as retailers in numerous metro areas are closing up shop after many years of operations due to increasing theft. If crime rates are falling, why are so many businesses leaving blue areas?

Boston, for example, has been bleeding retailers in recent months, with companies like Walgreens closing down four stores in the area in a single year. Residents and officials are “outraged”, arguing that these companies have a civic duty to stay and service communities in need. It's estimated that Massachusetts retailers are losing more than $2 billion per year to criminal theft. Maybe if the community stopped robbing them on a daily basis, these companies wouldn't feel the need to shut down.

The series of closures in Boston is similar to what is happening in San Francisco, with some neighborhoods slowly but surely losing nearby access to grocers. Companies have in some cases tried to hide the reason for shutting down (high crime) by suggesting that they are “improving” the area by opening land up for development, but locals know the real cause.

Conclusion – Crime is not falling at all in leftist run cities. Crime rates rely on reports and arrests. If leftist officials are making policies which discourage arrests and reporting, then crime rates go down – It's like magic.

Due to changes in the way data is being collated by the FBI during the covid years, many major cities are not actually required to provide full crime rate information until 2024-2025, and quite a few are taking advantage (at least 30%). San Francisco will not be reporting complete crime stats until 2025.

This means that when Democrats argue that crime is going down (ostensibly because of their leadership), this is based on a false and incomplete picture of the data. Lack of data, as mentioned, is also coupled with lack of arrests, lack of prosecution, and the consistent release of repeat offenders in blue cities. Lack of arrests and convictions does not mean there's less crime.

Soros DAs run several other major prosecutorial offices, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, St. Louis, New York, Baltimore, Albuquerque, Orlando, and three urban counties in Northern Virginia. In Massachusetts, Soros-backed federal prosecutor Rachael Rollins was forced to resign after the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General and the Office of Special Counsel released devastating reports outlining her serious ethical lapses and partisan political activity. It's not surprising that wherever Soros influenced DAs and prosecutors run things, food deserts seem to follow.

Once this dynamic of corruption is understood, it becomes clear why so many grocers and retailers are uprooting their stores and leaving. It's no longer profitable to stay because Democrat city governments have chosen criminals over businesses.


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bc9ed9 No.387300

bumping intellectual legit news fuck the gatekeepers

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bc9ed9 No.387326

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784621 No.387362

bumping actual news

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b8c0c0 No.387374

This place needs more real people, and less agents from the system.

The system killed it in practical terms.

Where have the good people that inhabited here have gone? Do they all have families to care now?

You feel lonely here, I feel that too.

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784621 No.387379


I'm not lonely, it's not like I dwell here all day long lol. I take maybe an hour every couple days to mirror a few real news reports in this dead glowing shithole? Big Deal! That's maybe 0.7% of my total time I spend here, if even that. As for feds, yah they try to fuck up anything they can't totally control, and as far as the previous user base goes they were never very smart about anything anyway. Look what happened when legit news prevailed, the moderator left and they couldn't maintain their safe space anymore. LOL. Those that have families by now, I might take that comment back because they actually did something with their pathetic lives.

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eaf86a No.387380

I come here once in a while, but when I come, it is lonely.

How could we build something that the feds cannot control and cannot shutdown?

And make it popular? Because i2p fits the bill, but it never became popular.

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784621 No.387382


Sadly most normies desire unsecured communications so there is nothing much the rest of us can do about it. I don't worry about it though. There are still a few sites that are popular that you can talk to people: zerohedge and hal turner's comment sections, bitchute, twitter X (under Musk), gab, mindz and a few others. Almost all image boards are dead today, the ones that are not (like 4chan) are compromised as shit and run by pro-govt gatekeepers. Most normies use smartphones today and it does not look like they will be going back to using the regular internet anything soon. I'd forget about trying to encourage I2P because 98% of the internet's current user base uses smartphones. It's just not going to happen. I'm honestly impressed peer to peer file sharing clients still exist today and are still widely used, that's as close to communicating with normies you will get using the traditional internet as it was intended.

As far as preserving the internet I would not worry about finding new networks to operate on, I would take action into backing up all the media I could and storing it on multiple offline external drives in cold storage. Have at least 2 backups of all your desired media: be it digital books, documents, HTML webpages, audio files, video files, whatever you want or need. Life saving information and prepping/DIY tips should be printed and stored in file cabinets too for reference if we are ever taken offline or off-grid. Anything we physically have backed up will be the way we can share info with other locals, friends and family if the internet is ruined or taken offline.

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28250c No.387384

Thank you for the insights. I will look into those platforms. I have been off the loop for too long.

I have my stash of information and an off-grid place to stay since 2006. Much like you might have one. Dedication to that drove me off the Internet a bit, too.

I would love to talk to guys like you - that post interesting information - in a platform that permits me to find interesting random people. Without control and tracking and censorship and judgement.

But that platform seems to not exist. I have used i2pd on a cellphone and it did not seem to waste much more data than browsing or the facecuck app.

Which makes me ticking, I have a lot of tasks and work to do and responsibilities, but I can't stop tinkering with i2pd on my Androgynous. lol

Suggestions? What you think would be interesting?

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784621 No.387387


I made this thread a year or so ago, luckily it's still in the catalog. I just bumped it.


There are lots of tips in that thread along with informative links about prepping for various scenarios. The original thread from 3+ years ago no longer exists but it was archived somewhere if you can find it. At that time there were others on the board who actually contributed some good info, but this board has been dead for at least 2 years now.

I do see Jerry did contribute to both of those SHTF threads lol, RIP to that old fag who I heard died last year due to health complications.

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e25f2c No.387389

The last picture in the thread you indicated drew me a smile. It is since the 80's that the globalists want WWIII and they can't get it.

Forcing WWIII will get these elites eliminated. If they want war, let them fight their own war. There's plenty of forests in the World for us to live without them.


>>health complications.

The first rule of prepping is that you got to get and stay in shape. Did he break the first rule?

I remember a TV program in which they mocked the preppers. But the TV crew drew the line of mockery up to the phatphobic.

I looked at those folks and wondered how in World they would live without their regular hypertension meds … lol

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0ae75e No.387398


OP Is the same guy who posts All of the child pornography in here. I reported him to the FBI and Department of Homeland security today.

I would not suggest you communicate with him anymore, unless you want to be pulled into the investigation.

Maybe you should go get a job?

McDonald's is hiring

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e25f2c No.387399

>OP Is the same guy who posts All of the child pornography in here. I reported him to the FBI and Department of Homeland security today.

I see no identification in your post that indicates you are a moderator here to know such things.

>I would not suggest you communicate with him anymore, unless you want to be pulled into the investigation.

Blackmail much? We were talking about prepping, not pornography. I cannot know anything about OP, beyond anything he posts or says in this thread and this thread only.

>Maybe you should go get a job?

>McDonald's is hiring

I have a job, you can see my messages come with a considerable lag.

What are you trying to achieve, Mr. know-it-all-blackmailer? I will believe your bluff when you prove your moderator status.

Otherwise, I assume you are just a disinfo agent eager to plant wedges among those you don't like.

How about you find a more useful job, like planting tomatoes? Instead of monitoring people like a Stasi agent?

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beefd9 No.387413


"Johnny Neptune" is a lying piece of shit, he's "ratted me out" many times before for things I had nothing to do with, things I never ever said, things he imagines in his own mind, and even creepy lies like child molestation. In other words, he's a disinfo agent.


Nah, Jerry was old and had previously been a big drinker and hooked on drugs in his past. He did the best he could to recover from all that, but his health was never in the best of shape, and with his age it does not surprise me that he died (if what Johnny Neptune claimed about his death was actually true, that is).

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77e8f4 No.387418

File: 0a1e7cc9e27cf10⋯.webm (1.65 MB,854x480,427:240,0a1e7cc9e27cf103e49cd1dc7….webm)


I'm here

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bc9ed9 No.387441

bumping factual news

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