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96d237 No.387288

LOL Democrats so desperate they are supporting a Zionist war-mongering neo-con!?


Whether Neo-con Nikki wins or flops, we still won't be fighting your wars for you, neo-con commies!!!

The ONLY thing worth fighting for is FREEDOM, SOVEREIGNTY AND FREE MARKET CAPITALISM - to which - very clearly today - is no longer promoted or embraced by Western governments or their special interests within WEF/Davos. We will not fight wars just to end up eating bugs, owning nothing, with endless debt insolvency and bloated parasitic governance or any other absolutely ruinous diarrhea that has become so normalized & propagandized by your radical political ideological filth!!!

HOWEVER, if you wish to prevent World War III and devastating national embarrassment on a global scale - to which could likely ruin the habitual planet with radioactive waste - then you already know who to vote for and support.

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96d237 No.387290

anti-slide 2`lis8

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96d237 No.387296

anti-slide 8893nnj

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f40bc4 No.387315


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96d237 No.387324

bumping factual news

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6b3a07 No.387388

Several videos out of New Hampshire show that Democrat voters desperately tried to game the Republican primary to derail Trump’s now inevitable capturing of the Republican nomination.

Despite the blatant cheating and manipulation, Trump still won by 10% margin.

CNN noted that while 70 percent of Trump’s voters were registered Republicans, 70 percent of Neo-con Haley’s voters were registered undeclared voters. She only garnered 27 percent of registered Republican voters, that being the crowd who still pines for the days of Dick Cheney.

So who are this mysterious 70 percent of unregistered voters suddenly backing Haley?

Most were Democrats. Only Democrats, neocon warmongers and Judge Judy vote for Nikki Haley.

Haley ended up with almost 45 percent of the vote, while Trump still won with over 54 percent.

One Twitter X user posted: “I love it. She deserves to have that rubbed in her face. Cheated and still lost.”

And let's not forget that MSNBC's Joy Reid suggested a "donor class" needs to vote for Haley against Trump. As Modernity.news further notes:

The MSNBC host declared after Trump beat Haley in New Hampshire that a “donor class” needs to step in and help Haley “thug it out for a few months” against Trump, in an effort to hurt his campaign as much as possible before the election.


MY COMMENT: Real conservatives are NOT going to fight your endless wars for ZOG anymore! We wish for world peace, freedom and border security. We are not opting for anything else! You can rig the election all you want, but your despotic globohomo hegemony is going to come to an END and soon. One way, or another!

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