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File: ce3893137f2ea15⋯.jpg (25.27 KB,india_flag.jpg)

7231b3 No.387243

Step 1: Create a professional looking basic website, with the overall idea to get indian schools to pledge to help create a Covid-Free India by making the covid vaccine mandatory at their schools. Have a section where you list the schools that have taken the pledge.

Step 2: Create a list of the biggest medium and small range cities in India. You can find that on Wikipedia. You can skip the big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata

Step 3: Google each individual city and look up the schools there. There will be at least 50 to 100 schools per city. Try to find the smaller ones, not affiliate with huge school networks.

Step 4: Find their email address on their page, and send them a professional sounding email asking them to pledge that they will require the covid vaccine for all school children attending their school. Ask if they would also like to list their name on the website as one of the schools that have made the pledge for a vaccine mandate at their school. Be sure to use the word "international" in your email and website, since that word tends to impress indians.

Pretty simple plan. Feel free to add your own input and make it even more professional. Perhaps use an email scraper program, and a mass-emailer program, so you can instant email 1000s of indian schools at the same time.

Good luck! Let's make sure India is 100% vaccinated for Covid, including the children!

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b07bb0 No.387244


#1: Shut the fuck up, Bill Gates.

#2: Your mRNA clot shot is toxic garbage! Stick it up your pathetic corrupt ass!

#3: Fuck your toxic fake food and your so-called "vaccines" and may you burn in hell!!!

#4: Indians are much smarter than average dumb ass Americans by rejecting this toxic deadly CRAP!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b07bb0 No.387245


#1: Shut the fuck up, Bill Gates.

#2: Your mRNA clot shot is toxic garbage! Stick it up your pathetic corrupt ass!

#3: Fuck your toxic fake food and your so-called "vaccines" and may you burn in hell!!!

#4: Indians are much smarter than average dumb ass Americans by rejecting this toxic deadly CRAP!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b07bb0 No.387246


#1: Shut the fuck up, Bill Gates.

#2: Your mRNA clot shot is toxic garbage! Stick it up your pathetic corrupt ass!

#3: Fuck your toxic fake food and your so-called "vaccines" and may you burn in hell!!!

#4: Indians are much smarter than average dumb ass Americans by rejecting this toxic deadly CRAP!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cb2eab No.387262


but dont you want to see the third world fully vaxxed?

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a701b4 No.387265

File: 510c6da6b2a0327⋯.jpg (863.67 KB,800x3020,40:151,novaxx5.jpg)



get the pdf zoom 200% clik links read learn

great resource for vaxxxie researchers




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