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9ef9e5 No.387241

So I aint American but I was in NYC and lotsa white opiod druggies.

And also now we see more race mixing.

How do ya feel about the mixing of races given the historic superiority of whites and the fact it may cause everyone to be race mixed in the future and also why aint anyone doing anything?

Is this page ns btw? I aint nazi

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1111e8 No.387242


Why, of all places, would you choose to visit New York City? It's practically third world excluding a few certain surrounding heavily guarded gated communities which are filled with crooked politicians, bureaucrats and wall street bankers. Definitely not a place I'd desire to visit and it sure doesn't do the rest of real America any justice (nor do most major cities for that matter).

If you want to visit what is left of traditional America you may want to check out Chris Harden's channel on Youtube, he has visited places all over America (good, bad and the ugly, big city to small town). He has some good reviews and recommendations where the best places are to live or simply visit to have a fun time. In my state I'd recommend Eureka if you have family to travel with, that is a decent sized town along I-44 where Six Flags is located, very beautiful area, not too congested and your kids would love it (lots of tourist attractions and candy shops too).

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