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File: d8eab199dd5f1db⋯.png (44.67 KB,941x411,941:411,Boycott_Globohomo_War.png)

81aed2 No.387232

Daily reminder, fuck the globohomo neo-con commies.

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175187 No.387233

Fuck them

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8b9fab No.387240


You see, the US government made a terrible mistake. By demonizing, ridiculing, censoring, persecuting, and then lying to over half of American voters for the last 8 years; most who fully support their previous President; to which that very same government carried out an exposed agenda to replace us via opening borders for millions of third world illegals; that same corrupt government caused an enormous wave of resentment and utter defection among the general population. Many of these backstabbing privileged snobs just don't know the full ramifications or the consequences of their actions yet. At the same time, this corrupt government is picking fights around the world expecting us - the oppressed, betrayed and disgruntled citizenry - will be there to bail them out as they stir another major global war. I can tell you right now if this government starts another world war they are going to have the biggest draft rebellion this planet Earth has ever seen among the majority of Americans today. We are fed up, and it's not just conservatives but also many progressive liberals as well, along with the majority of independents (which today outnumbers liberal voters and are tied with conservative voters). The only way they'll be able to stand a chance of winning another major war will be to draft all the illegals and get them to die for their wars. I can't wait for these delusional officials to try doing that thinking the illegals are willing to fight their wars so they can live in the streets with slave labor jobs the rest of their lives. THIS IS AN EPIC FAIL ON GRAND SCALE. This level of hubris, arrogance and corruption will reap what it has sown.

I'm not saying this as some prophet of doom btw, I see what lots of average angry Americans are saying today and they make sense. I see the protests continuing to be completely ignored by the state-run media. People are totally fed up and no longer trust the media, the government or any of the major institutions. The trust has been completely broken.

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