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07811f No.387228

The "fourth industrial revolution" is literally a communist folly. They actually did that in bolshevik Russia. It was like a new religion, according to them the world would be led by engineers. They asked a bunch of engineers to create some techno utopia. They tried and it went nowhere, they wasted lots of resources for nothing. Your godless society is doomed. Rural self-sufficient preppers will prevail.

PS: we are not going to fight your wars for you either, neo-con libtard war mongering fascist commie creeps.

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a4f072 No.387231


who are you even talking to? nobody comes here except for you

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610736 No.387235


Wrong! Two other people have posted here the last week, not including you and me, and others pop in to lurk and read as well. It's not like I sit here all day, I often come here for a couple minutes just to post something and leave, re-visiting every other day or so. So do you and anyone else who lurks here. Same goes for most other dead image boards today.

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