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File: a3ded02384ca358⋯.jpg (8 KB,205x246,5:6,SAINT_TARRANT_OUR_GOD_AND_….jpg)

ef7b67 No.387219

can somebody do smth on march 15 2024 cuz is the 5th anniversary remember his sacrifice retards

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de189e No.387224

Tarrant was a govt sponsored pysop.

The Muslims he targeted have nothing to do with the evil the jews perpetuate. Honestly he pisses me off what a fucking faggot. Now he’s “in prison” sure thing you kid-fuckers.

So they got anti gun stuff pushed, riled up the goyim against one another, and shut down the real 8chn (now we have this nigger’s version).

You’re a nigger, OP

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4cd62a No.387229


ur a nigger too lol

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4cd62a No.387230


also idc what tarrant was 51 sandniggers r dead n u cant change that

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2a8399 No.387254


“idc what tarrant was”

“51 dead muslims lol”

You are literally a kike.

I can change that. I can make 51,000 dead kikes. Pretty sure people will forget about 51 dead muslims.

But I’m aiming for 51,000,000 dead kikes, and all their shabbos goyim






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ce3548 No.387255


Wasn't exactly a sacrifice because he changed nothing he supposedly stood for. The dude I still alive in prison. Inclined to lean towards govt sponsored psyop.

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153a91 No.387258

pls guys we need a new livestreamed mass shooting

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d6fced No.387263


livestream you killing yourself and your blood relatives directly to the FBI, who I’ve reported you to already (even tho you’re probably them)

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153a91 No.387269

bruh calm down lmao it was a joke. someones a bit pressed>>387263


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