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ab8561 No.387191

Cubans Prepare For 500% Fuel Price Hike Amid Govt-manufactured Economic Crisis

The Cuban government can no longer afford its massive subsidy campaign for nearly all essential goods. The government of Cuba has announced a 500% increase in fuel prices beginning on February 1, as the nation suffers its worst economic crisis since the 1990s, with Cubans now readying themselves to weather what is being called a humanitarian crisis.

“The country can not maintain the price of fuel, which is the cheapest in the world,” media cited Economy Minister Alejandro Gil as saying on Monday.

Officials confirmed on Monday that the cost of one liter of regular gasoline would increase from the current 20 cents to $1.10, while special gasoline would increase from around 25 cents to $1.30.

Additionally, there will also be a 25% increase in electricity prices along with a hike in natural gas prices. Prices for water, public transit and gas canisters will be increased.

Cuba’s GDP contracted by between 1% and 2% last year, and the country is having difficulty importing basic goods with a fiscal deficit around 19% and official inflation pegged at 30%.

With price spikes set to go into effect in two-and-a-half weeks, Reuters reports that Cubans are lining up at gas stations for extra fuel at lower subsidized prices.

For Cubans, 2023 was characterized by major power blackouts and long lines to purchase fuel, with February 1 expected to add another jolt to struggling consumers.

Looks like government running the entire economy has, yet again, proven not to work out very well for the average working citizen and taxpayer. Will the free market ever be given a chance to develop naturally without unnecessary governmental intervention and govt-subsidized monopoly anytime soon? Don't hold your breath. This is what plebs vote for, this is what they continue to get.


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27399a No.387193



I just spoke to Nancy

call me at 920-924-6760

(hit *67 to make your number private)

I don't want to discuss the details of his health situation in public

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ab8561 No.387196


MY COMMENT: I don't care to discuss too much detail myself, Jerry has mentioned before he was not in the greatest of health due to past bad habits. I likely won't be long for this life either, similar reasons as you know. As far as phone and calling someone online up, I don't trust them for that, if it were a one time call on a burner phone for one minute, then broken and thrown into a river the next, 70 miles away from where I live, maybe, but I don't have that kind of time. Blizzard incoming, and unknown to my family I'm going to shut the main fuse box off once again to test them and our time to boot up our contingency preps. As for the loss of Jerry, I'll soon be drinking to that, a toast to his life and I hope he is with Jesus.

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c86441 No.387215


well, I want you to know I love you

and I loved Jerry, too

I was just fucking with you two knuckleheads

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934d6b No.387226


I enjoy your strange shenanigans at times too Johnny. Stay safe this winter and enjoy yourself, but be prepared for hard times coming, much harder times are coming. If you are a loving father don't send your kids off to die like cattle for some senseless world war that the neo-con zio-bolsheviks are trying to stir up.

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