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b70728 No.387177

Jim Willie: Gold Is Replacing Treasuries As Store of Value NOW

In recent years we've seen many of the traditional buyers of US treasuries cut back on their holdings.

But what are they buying instead?

In today's show Dr. Jim Willie of The Hat Trick Letter talks about how the biggest treasury buyers are now rapidly purchasing gold. He digs into the current dynamics existing in the gold and silver markets, and explains how he feels these markets will have to trade as the move away from the dollar on a global scale continues to unfold.

To find out more, click to watch this video now!


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305d06 No.387179


My son is a millionaire

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305d06 No.387180


He's only 25 years old…….

He had a creative idea

And he followed his dream

Within 2 months of turning 25 years old, He had made $1.2 million

And as we speak, season 2 is underway, and he's already made over $2 million


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305d06 No.387181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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305d06 No.387182

My son's got the coolest fucking name on earth



That name is cool as fuck !!!

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eea88d No.387187


Kinda cool bro

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f0a9ff No.387284

anti-slide 0`8;l;ld8989988989932bdhi23ui23juni

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f0a9ff No.387297

>>387177 factual news

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f0a9ff No.387329


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30f19d No.387351

anti-slide %$ASIU–=o2o1oi2rjp1jirij2j3ji3rujl3mj}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}SP_(S}}}}}}}}}}{SS{{{{(*SKKKKKKSW(&&W(((Lh767&%&%&(%(*&*%&(^S&Gyiub3








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f0a9ff No.387431

anti-slide 5641

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6651e8 No.387517


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