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0d59d8 No.387176

This is exactly why people should be prepared in advance. This is also a good reason to support your local farmers markets and purchase beef wholesale during summer time (you save money that way instead of being price gouged per pound at stores). While people are scrambling to find beef; or having to pay extra money for it during a blizzard; we have almost a quarter cow worth of beef left in one of our deep freezer boxes. Prepping tip for homesteaders: if the power grid ever goes down during the winter you can store the beef and other frozen foods outside in a discrete location to ration generator use ;)


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431f13 No.387183


Why don't you have a million dollars?

You're a lot older than 25

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431f13 No.387184

I guess you're simply not very good at preparing

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431f13 No.387192



Call me at 920-924-6760

You can block your number

I don't want to tell the details in public

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5c0dc3 No.387281

Glad I prepped.

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