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File: d643925ac64f02a⋯.png (122.33 KB,Annexation_of_Southern_and….png)

c773a0 No.387148

It’s a well known fact that Zelensky is a Jew. But it’s a very unknown fact that Putin is a Jew as well. His mother was Jewish and his father converted to Judaism for her. Putin is a Jew born and raised. He hid it very well especially since his KGB post to the Berlin station during the Cold War. There’s very little known about Putin’s family, but his cousins are directors at banks and financial institutions. It’s been long speculated that the name Putin is fake, made up to resemble Lenin and Stalin for propaganda purposes. The actual names of Putin’s related families: Shelomovs, Chursanovs, Buyanovs and Fomins are characteristic of Soviet Jews. Vladimir, or Volodymyr, was a popular name among Jews in Soviet Union, so it’s no surprise Zelensky and Putin were both named like that. And that’s why neither Zelensky nor Putin care for the hundreds of thousands of men who died in the war they started. These are not their men! They don’t care about the Ukrainians or Russians. Zelensky and Putin only care about the Jews. And thanks to this war most of the MSM, governments and elites can take the focus away from the final solution that the state of Israel is executing to Palestine. Much of the billions that the US gave Ukraine to fight Russia was side lined straight to Israel. It also explains why Putin opted for a very strange half-measured way to attack Ukraine. The point all along was to create and sustain a conflict long enough to cover for Israel’s preparations and executions of the final solution to Palestine. Putin never wanted to conquer Ukraine. US never wanted to stop this war either. It was and still is all a great theatre. Bolshoy! At the end of all this there will be only one state of Israel and no more Palestine. Israel will execute a genocide (already in progress) and the world won’t care and will be happy that the war in Ukraine is over. Peace treaty will be signed to the fanfare of MSM, while Israel clears Gaza and takes over Palestine.

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546353 No.387150



You don't have any money… Go apply at McDonald's

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05b0e1 No.387154


Go get yourself a happy meal you brainlet

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546353 No.387156



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546353 No.387157



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546353 No.387158



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546353 No.387159



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546353 No.387162


You've got No Money lol You have no money

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9bd06d No.387164

Don't care. I'm not fighting their wars. My family won't fight their wars. We don't trust them or the media and doing everything we can to become completely self-sufficient and can go off-grid any time. Fuck this world and it's vile inhabitants.

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dfd318 No.387178


Holy shit you are deranged.

Wish I knew where you lived so I could just end you, you don’t need to be alive any longer you serve no good.

TKD includes you you fucking deranged shabboskike

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