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11a404 No.387125

USSA Today: 2001-2025

Diagnosis: systemic corruption, debt insolvency, failed foreign policy, failed diplomacy, engages in endless war, politicized bias judicial system, heavily de-industrialized from outsourcing, third world invasion at open borders, mass censorship, rigged elections, government clings to failed policies with extraordinary hubris.

Date of fatal infestation: unclear, may have began malignancy as far back when the Federal Reserve Act was passed and signed into law in 1913.

Condition: third world failed state.

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55f023 No.387126

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I bet you're excited about my son becoming a millionaire, huh?

isn't that AWESOME?

how much money did you have at age 25?

how much money do you have now?

I'm sure you're also a millionaire.

After all, you're SO PREPARED

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55f023 No.387127

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so of course, you're a millionairejust like my 25 year old son


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55f023 No.387149


I've got a question…. I'm confused….

You've had DECADES of preparing for the future….

Why don't you have a million dollars yet?

My son made MORE THAN 1 MILLION DOLLARS in less than 2 months

Why has it taken you DECADES And you still don't have a million dollars?

I guess you're not very good at preparing

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