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File: c61ff83621b23e9⋯.jpeg (120.29 KB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_1475.jpeg)

7b9dee No.387088

First of all, Nepolian did the first ethnic cleanup with his army, mostly Jews, they fled to Russia, and low and behold a hundred years later the Jews throw a coupe in Russia freeing them from the “pale” and enabled emigration. Led by Marx and Lennon they starved over 10 million orthodox Christians and destroyed the rubble. Israel/zionists made a straw man state out of Russia to drag in western powers to influence. Ww1 broke up the countries old money and they established centralized banks to ebe away the value of the EU states through artificial supply n demand. Germany recognized it and that’s why the extreme leftist that they put in the whinehamer republic in Germany was a cultural shit show on purpose to demoralize and destabilize relationships with neighbors. This angst environment sparked the rise of AH and his righteous army. The same time now that Zionist had secured Israel and were using their new state to peddle the USA in to a workable position. They encouraged spending in the 20s so they could funnel into banks and when troubles started in the 30s no one could support themselves so the banks made a deal with the USA for debt securities, ie us citizens through birth certificates and ssn. After that the us has basically been slowly gutted from the inside by Zionist bankers and lobbyists constricting freedom for “safety and economic growth” while they steal all your inherited knowledge of how to do things without them. The Jews have been doing subtle ethnic cleaning for a long time, that’s why they were kicked out of 109 countries because they subverted the authority of the country from the rulers through finance. Well they didn’t fail in America, look at every news, head of state and departments and a big slew of senators and congressmen are part of the Jewish cabol. They are a truly evil and disgusting people. But keep going with your argument about Russia, wait you can’t since over 95% of the Bolshevik gov was Jewish with 90%~ of the gulags soldiers were Jewish as well. Y’all have been manipulated into a fucking blubbering pot of bullshit that can’t tell it’s ass from its head.

Term of the day- usery- lending money with interest, a practice that is banned still in most Muslim countries and was illegal in christen countries till like 1650~.

This is the talent of the Jew, to manipulate perception of value and common sence trading and the degradation of the family unit, because you know what? All these factors help inflation rise, and who own the banks and notes? Is it right that they will be the beneficiaries when everyone else is suffering through artificial social constructs? I’ll leave it here. Wake up ppl

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