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fbc674 No.386966

USSA Today: 2001-2025

Diagnosis: systemic corruption, debt insolvency, failed foreign policy, failed diplomacy, heavily de-industrialized, clings to failed policies with extraordinary hubris.

Date of fatal infestation: unclear, may have began malignancy as far back when the Federal Reserve Act was passed and signed into law in 1913.

Condition: third world failed state.

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53a675 No.386968


I'm guessing you already heard that my son became a millionaire in 2023

…..at age 25

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53a675 No.386969

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53a675 No.386970


It's amazing how YOU didn't become a millionaire at age 25.

Don't you think that's amazing?

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53a675 No.386971

25 years old…..

What were you doing at 25?

At 25, I was already working for ZZ TOP

What were you doing when you were 25 years old?

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53a675 No.386972


Don't you think it's kind of coincidental that you didn't become a millionaire at age 25?

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53a675 No.386973


Come to think of it……

You still haven't accomplished anything with your life so far

Basically nothing

Other than grunt work, like a monkey

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53a675 No.386974


I heard you're having health problems lately

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53a675 No.386977


If you feel like talking about your health problems, I'm all ears

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