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File: 8147a4b378ab640⋯.jpg (115.4 KB,384x600,16:25,Disney.jpg)

527707 No.386818

The cost of a house is variably set to be readjusted based on the cost of a hamburger in the area

housing market inflation doesn't make sense against any other marketplace besides the cost of a burger

We need to create a network of Hot Dog stand vendors selling burgers for 5 cents in the areas of our oponents

Greenback Party 2024

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527707 No.386819

Once the Hypercholesterol hits,


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527707 No.386820

File: eef311af1b3a70d⋯.png (533.44 KB,618x631,618:631,Screenshot_2023_12_06_2_28….png)


We could up Trump's Dementia to Naruto running levels if we uptake his Hypercholesterol.

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527707 No.386821

Now would be a good time to consider getting diospyrobzoars instead of Dementia

Diospyrobzoars is death from too much healthy food.

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527707 No.386822

BTW, we'll be operating from Tartarus from now on, due to the necessity for separation from Gods and Goddesses

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80583c No.386823

Ashley Nichole Schneider:

the ugliest woman on earth

has ZERO money or talent

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80583c No.386824



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80583c No.386825



lol @ "WE"

who are you talking to, uneducated hideous deformed schizophrenic BROKE BASEMENT DWELLER?

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80583c No.386826


I bet there's not a day that goes by when you don't wish you had been born with an attractive face

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80583c No.386827


It must suck so bad to look in the mirror and see that face looking back at you.

I'm guessing you've been suicidal ever since you were a child?

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80583c No.386828


At what age did you first realize your face is ugly as shit?

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