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File: 8a0dbff4da5b2cf⋯.jpg (187.04 KB,900x549,100:61,greetings_from_california_….jpg)

a85f9c No.386811

Lunch break. We're working on a big animation project, and it's a HUGE job.

It's SO NICE here, you really have no clue. anybody who badmouths California has obviously never been here before.


anyway, nice to see that Killcen and Ashley still refuse to see psychiatrists.

(you're pathetic)


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a85f9c No.386812

By the way, I'm guessing you already know about my son's success with his show FISHTANK?

why don't you two bums go get a job, and stop being a burden?

seriously, why do you pretend you're incapable of working at McDonald's?

your families want you out

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