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1442dc No.386756

The time has come. John Kennedy Jr needs his name on the ballots and it's up to us to make sure it happens. We need many signatures from all states so make sure anyone who signs please put your state in. Thank you.


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37a5b9 No.386759


That dumb negro thinks vaccines cause transgenderism. Hilarious, but no.

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1442dc No.386762


That's Rfk Jr not John Kennedy Jr

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37a5b9 No.386763


Oh, well he's dead, so again … no.

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20e13d No.386764


LOL dream on schizo

Not that your vote matters, anyway.. nobody cares who or what you vote for, because we are stealing the election again this time

But even RFK Jr's own CHILDREN say he would be the worst possible president…

It's pretty bad when your own kids tell the rest of the world what a fucking loser you are

That's exactly why you won't let your daughter come in here with you… You don't want anybody hearing what she has to say about you

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5bdb56 No.386796

Curious what the feel is in this board about Popular Sovereignty. Any takers?

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cd43bd No.386801

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12922d No.386939


Well dead people can vote so why not add dead people to the ballot. Seems fair.

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