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File: 470e4487276b2a4⋯.png (42.54 KB,804x522,134:87,End_Times_For_YOU.png)

4bc30d No.386737

Eric Adams Feels The Wrath Of Weaponized Government, Anti-globalist Outsider Wins Argentina Election, War Blowback

Former Democrat Dennis Kucinich Joins Mike Adams To Talk About Current Events And Crisis


A pro-Palestinian protest at Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, DC, that turned violent is sending a jolt through political circles in Chicago, which plans to host the party’s presidential nominating convention this summer.


Angry Protesters Lock Down California Democrat Convention


Protesters still obeying covid mask mandates while protesting? LMFAO!

Biden Considering Sanctions Against Jewish Terrorists Who Are Burning Down Palestinian Homes


Settlers have ramped up their killing of Palestinians, leaving threatening leaflets ordering them to leave their homes, blocking roads with boulders, cutting electricity lines to Palestinians' homes, shutting down water wells and destroying olive trees.

Congressional Efforts Grow To Deport Visa Holders Who Support Hamas


Anti-globalist Libertarian outsider Javier Milei swept to victory in Argentina's presidential election Sunday, vowing to halt decades of economic decline in a country reeling from triple-digit inflation.



Latin America's third-biggest economy has suffered decades of crises under interventionist governments big on bailouts that resort to printing money to finance spending, fueling inflation, while borrowing heavily only to default on their debt.

New York City Slashes Police Funding Due To Illegals Overwhelming City Services


MY COMMENT: Exactly what I said on End Times News version 1 edition 0.00000000186, go check for yourself! This is a very well worth watching video explaining EXACTLY what is going on today in America and details what happens when you weaponize government and the kind of blowback it can have, YES even against Democrats!

Be Prepared For Grid Failures This Winter As Energy Crisis Is Being Manufactured By Government


The American EMPIRE: Crashing & Burning In Real Time


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4bc30d No.386743

On September 22nd, 1991, nine months before the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, a United Nations Midwest Public Hearing on Environment and Development was held in Des Moines, Iowa. A document from that hearing noted the pressing need to reduce the world’s population and laid out a quota in order to get the New World Order system rolled out.


WATCH: News Report List Of Covid Clot Shot Shills Who DIED After Getting Jabbed!


How Ruthless Censorship Hid The Covid Clot Shot Genocide


MODERNA ADMITS VAX CAUSES CANCER! Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections!


Some Folks Are Taking Action To Destroy The Killer Cancer-Causing 5G Cell Towers


“There is a $120 million budget cut in New York that is going to affect schools, public libraries, and the police department. And a $5 million budget cut in sanitation,” she continued, warning, “Bitch, we're going to be drowning in fucking rats.”


And just like that, Democrats lost another key supporter.

Era of Total US Submarine Dominance Over China Ending


IDF Military Base Destroyed By Hezbollah Rocket Strike


Video on social media shows the Biranit army base near the Lebanon border reduced to rubble after the devastating rocket attack.

Neo-cons Push America Into Dangerous New Phase In Shadow War With Iran


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f520ea No.386998


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