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ae60cd No.386708

Pseudo-experts Desire Censorship, Potential US-Brokered Deal In Israel-Hamas Conflict, Youth Saying NO To Neo-con Wars

The Weaponization of “Disinformation” Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats:

How the Federal Government Partnered With Universities To Censor Americans’ Political Speech


Yes, Governments Are Very Upset Citizens Can Read & Think For Themselves


How dare you plebs question narratives feeding our government agendas!?

Potential US-Brokered Deal In Israel-Hamas Conflict


The six-page agreement reportedly stipulates that around 50 hostages would begin to be released every 24 hours. It’s believed that about 239 hostages remain in Hamas’ hands. Overhead surveillance would be employed to ensure the deal is adhered to, therefore allowing for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, notes the Post.

80+ Palestinians Dead In Jabalia Refugee Camp Strikes



Biden Regime Neo-cons Intend To Make America Pay For All Wars & War Refugees


American Youth Has Spoken, No Dying For Israel! 72% of Americans Unwilling To Join Military Service



MY COMMENT: It's not just about Israel, look at the bigger picture Americans are sick of endless wars, VA corruption, the "woke" Marxism that has infiltrated the highest ranks of military service, etc. Not only that, but what IS our country really fighting for anyway!? To spread the same kind of bullshit corruption that is destroying our own nation!? Sorry but that ain't worth fighting and dying for. The ONLY thing worthy dying for is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and OUR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY!!!

EU Calls On China To Stop Building Coal Powered Plants


As if that is any of their personal business how China decides to provide itself energy!

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ae60cd No.386711

File: 1a1bc9467501f67⋯.jpg (21.3 KB,240x240,1:1,344363.jpg)

Can someone tell me how I can post my End Times News updates to the Tik Tok platform?

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c4149d No.386715

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-205


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-205

All first 205 End Times News updates in one location, archived.

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d72a92 No.386719

File: bd1755441cc530f⋯.jpg (35.03 KB,240x240,1:1,34634.jpg)

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a20025 No.386736

Former Democrat Dennis Kucinich Joins Mike Adams To Talk About Current Events And Crisis


A pro-Palestinian protest at Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, DC, that turned violent is sending a jolt through political circles in Chicago, which plans to host the party’s presidential nominating convention this summer.


Angry Protesters Lock Down California Democrat Convention


Protesters still obeying covid mask mandates while protesting? LMFAO!

Biden Considering Sanctions Against Jewish Terrorists Who Are Burning Down Palestinian Homes


Settlers have ramped up their killing of Palestinians, leaving threatening leaflets ordering them to leave their homes, blocking roads with boulders, cutting electricity lines to Palestinians' homes, shutting down water wells and destroying olive trees.

Congressional Efforts Grow To Deport Visa Holders Who Support Hamas


Anti-globalist Libertarian outsider Javier Milei swept to victory in Argentina's presidential election Sunday, vowing to halt decades of economic decline in a country reeling from triple-digit inflation.



Latin America's third-biggest economy has suffered decades of crises under interventionist governments big on bailouts that resort to printing money to finance spending, fueling inflation, while borrowing heavily only to default on their debt.

New York City Slashes Police Funding Due To Illegals Overwhelming City Services


MY COMMENT: Exactly what I said on End Times News version 1 edition 0.00000000186, go check for yourself! This is a very well worth watching video explaining EXACTLY what is going on today in America and details what happens when you weaponize government and the kind of blowback it can have, YES even against Democrats!

Be Prepared For Grid Failures This Winter As Energy Crisis Is Being Manufactured By Government


The American EMPIRE: Crashing & Burning In Real Time


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