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59604b No.386695

Mass Resignation Wave Is Consuming US Congress, Portuguese Corruption Scandal Undermines EU, Russia Calls For World Peace

Mass Resignation Wave Is Consuming US Congress, What Do They Know That We Don't?


A surge of lawmakers calling it quits the past three weeks is on the verge of putting Congress on pace to have more members retire before the next election than in any similar cycle over the past decade and the implications are huge.

Tucker Carlson Interviews VOX Party Leader Santiago Abascal In Spain, Americans Better Pay Attention To This!


Spain is facing a mass defection and secessionist crisis because radical Marxists have destroyed their entire economy while trying to abolish their Constitution and civil liberties! Sound familiar!?

The European Union’s hunt for raw materials is running into new roadblocks — at home and abroad. Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa’s recent resignation over a corruption probe in connection with lithium mining concessions in the north of the country has just dealt another blow to Brussels’ ambitions to diversify its supply of raw materials needed for green and digital technologies.


Russia is set to work most closely together with all those who share our values of peace, friendship and mutual respect. With those who are ready to take part in the formation of a modern multi-polar world based on civilizational and cultural diversity. Preserving the identity of peoples and equal rights and opportunities for all states is the guarantee of successful development of humanity.


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59604b No.386697

End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-205


End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000001-205

All first 205 End Times News updates in one location, archived.

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cd1b06 No.386704

Fart and reveal your power to the world!

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59604b No.386707

anti-slide 3.141592

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351156 No.386714

The Weaponization of “Disinformation” Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats:

How the Federal Government Partnered With Universities To Censor Americans’ Political Speech


Yes, Governments Are Very Upset Citizens Can Read & Think For Themselves


How dare you plebs question narratives feeding our government agendas!?

Potential US-Brokered Deal In Israel-Hamas Conflict


The six-page agreement reportedly stipulates that around 50 hostages would begin to be released every 24 hours. It’s believed that about 239 hostages remain in Hamas’ hands. Overhead surveillance would be employed to ensure the deal is adhered to, therefore allowing for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, notes the Post.

80+ Palestinians Dead In Jabalia Refugee Camp Strikes



Biden Regime Neo-cons Intend To Make America Pay For All Wars & War Refugees


American Youth Has Spoken, No Dying For Israel! 72% of Americans Unwilling To Join Military Service



MY COMMENT: It's not just about Israel, look at the bigger picture Americans are sick of endless wars, VA corruption, the "woke" Marxism that has infiltrated the highest ranks of military service, etc. Not only that, but what IS our country really fighting for anyway!? To spread the same kind of bullshit corruption that is destroying our own nation!? Sorry but that ain't worth fighting and dying for. The ONLY thing worthy dying for is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and OUR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY!!!

EU Calls On China To Stop Building Coal Powered Plants


As if that is any of their personal business how China decides to provide itself energy!

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b49434 No.386735

The Weaponization of “Disinformation” Pseudo-experts and Bureaucrats:

How the Federal Government Partnered With Universities To Censor Americans’ Political Speech


Yes, Governments Are Very Upset Citizens Can Read & Think For Themselves


How dare you plebs question narratives feeding our government agendas!?

Potential US-Brokered Deal In Israel-Hamas Conflict


The six-page agreement reportedly stipulates that around 50 hostages would begin to be released every 24 hours. It’s believed that about 239 hostages remain in Hamas’ hands. Overhead surveillance would be employed to ensure the deal is adhered to, therefore allowing for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, notes the Post.

80+ Palestinians Dead In Jabalia Refugee Camp Strikes



Biden Regime Neo-cons Intend To Make America Pay For All Wars & War Refugees


American Youth Has Spoken, No Dying For Israel! 72% of Americans Unwilling To Join Military Service



MY COMMENT: It's not just about Israel, look at the bigger picture Americans are sick of endless wars, VA corruption, the "woke" Marxism that has infiltrated the highest ranks of military service, etc. Not only that, but what IS our country really fighting for anyway!? To spread the same kind of bullshit corruption that is destroying our own nation!? Sorry but that ain't worth fighting and dying for. The ONLY thing worthy dying for is INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM and OUR NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY!!!

EU Calls On China To Stop Building Coal Powered Plants


As if that is any of their personal business how China decides to provide itself energy!

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59604b No.387004

https://8ku qrf ewn.top/pnd/re rml r

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2fdfbd No.387132


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