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ace5bd No.386644

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37cfc9 No.386645


MY COMMENT: 9/11 was CIA & Mossad! False flag attack against America to bring America into endless war in the Middle East! 9/11 was THE DAY the neo-cons seized control of the United States government!! Remember: jet fuel can't melt steel, NORAD stood down during the attack, WTC # 7 came crashing down like the Twin Towers yet no plane ever struck it, Pentagon CCTV footage released by federal court showed no plane hitting the Pentagon, only showed an explosion from the inside going out! And remember that Bin Laden was a former CIA asset decades prior to 9/11!!

So yah, I'm sure Bin Laden has some interesting stories to tell before his death!

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ace5bd No.386660

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

485c09 No.386661


Nobody's better at ethnic cleansing than jews.

1. say Hamas HQ is in the north, make everyone move south.

2. say Hamas HQ is in the south, make everyone move into Egypt.

3. Pretend that you have found and destroyed Hamas HQ in south.

4. move settlers into Gaza.

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