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File: 41bfa13ed8df110⋯.jpg (23.98 KB,240x240,1:1,6236431.jpg)

1ca267 No.386632

Just to give a dire warning and notice to any who visits here. End Times News may abruptly go away forever if the White House and their commie/fascist stooges at the FCC get their wish to end online privacy with mandatory Biometric ID for the clearnet. I will no longer be going online if they end up getting what they wish, and will cancel my online service for good, going back to live the rest of my life offline. I recommend everyone backup anything and everything they want or need online ASAP and have multiple offline drives to store all that media, including data DVDs of your favorite media! If it comes down to this, I am hesitantly saying my GOODBYE and GOOD LUCK to humanity now, while I still can.

https://archive.is/Vh9Cf / https://archive.is/zgqzY


This is, by far, the worst presidency I have ever seen in my life, btw. The WORST.

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25ac9a No.386633

File: 25ab66093448106⋯.png (262.15 KB,551x909,551:909,END_TIMES.png)

I'm done. To HELL with this planet.

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6f8b4c No.386639

shut up and die soon, old fool

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6f8b4c No.386640

you are SOOOO stupid

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8d9202 No.386705


Biden is a retard. His son is a drug addict, and little Johnny has AIDS and TDS!

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