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7d4707 No.386523

Deadline Pass Without Money, The United States USD Is Officially Gone Now !


www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/deadline-pass-without-money-the-united-states-usd-is-officially-gone-now/


So after the deadline, I did not receive any money from the United States or any entities, thus now the current whole United States of America USA and their US Dollar must collapse, gone now !

There will be a new system to be established in the USA.

There won’t be US Election 2024 !

The USA must come up with a new political system and financial system.

That is the official orders and command !

I do not live in United States nor receiving money to do that jobs, thus there is absolutely no reason for me to craft info/solution to help them in exchange for personal pain.

But if the top US military, patriot group want me to help them build a new political system + financial system then they must contact me and have a fair trade, there is no other option. But that must be soon for I will official gone and disappear in next couple of days due to lack of desire, motivation.

This is not a joke but a very serious message from the Messiah King !

Best Regard,

The Savior

The Lord Of Lords

The King Of Kings


www. ascension joy .com/11/2023/deadline-pass-without-money-the-united-states-usd-is-officially-gone-now/


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8b0f56 No.386603

Hello ugly schizophrenic lazy hideous insane skank mooch bum Ashley Nichole Schneider!!

Wendy and I live in San Diego now, and it's absolutely fucking beautiful!!

I got hired at a graphics and animation firm owned by an old friend of mine from the ZZ top days.

And Wendy just got hired at UC San Diego hospital as a registered nurse

We have a fucking gorgeous gorgeous modern apartment, like super "European" modern design.

Let me put it this way.. it's more than $3,000 a month rent, but it's worth it

The weather here is absolutely magnificent. It's hard to effectively convey how much we love it here.

My son officially became a millionaire recently. As in: He's quite literally a millionaire now.

He's 8 years younger than you.

Isn't that good news? He's 8 years younger than you, and he officially became a legitimate real-life millionaire recently.

How are things going in your mother's basement?

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8b0f56 No.386604

Your YouTube videos are so embarrassing! It's unfathomable that you could have such a lack of self-awareness… You don't even realize how embarrassed you should be right now

Your videos are so fucking stupid! You have no talent whatsoever. Obviously you're incapable of putting something of quality together, or even developing a quality creative idea in the first place.

I guess the schizophrenia makes it hard for you to think of ideas that normal people would find interesting?

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8b0f56 No.386605

It's mind-boggling that you remain unaware of how unappealing and stupid your dumb ideas truly are

Somehow you've managed to remain oblivious to how embarrassing you are

You and your stupid Jesus money begging bullshit

You put so much energy into something nobody ever reads

You and stupid illiterate white trash KILLCEN our perfect for each other… You waste your lives with the stupidest low IQ drivel, AND NOBODY WILL EVER READ A SINGLE WORD OF IT

You're both literally living in your family's basements

He's 75 years old, and his daughter made him take his psychotic fag show downstairs into the basement

The same way you sit in your mother's basement In your mid thirties

Neither you or he have any money

You're both broke, psychotic, and exiled down in the basement, hidden away so your families don't have to deal with you

And you're both stupid as fuck

You are both some of the stupidest humans I've ever seen in my life

I'm talking about STUPID

You're both a couple of fucking idiots

Pieces of shit

Psychotic, stupid, disrespectful lazy worthless pieces of shit

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8b0f56 No.386608


I've got an idea:

You should change your name

It would help you become famous

Instead of Ashley Nichole Schneider, You need something jazzier.. snazzier… More commercial… Something that would appeal to the masses….

Like maybe "STUPID"

That could be your new name

I can see it now

Spelled out in bright lights

" S T U P I D "

Just like Cher, only one word is necessary…


Not "stupid Ashley"

not "stupid Schneider"

just "STUPID"

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