What are you Conserving? Nothing! https://www.bitchute.com/video/KAC1wvbvBVaT/
What is being conserved?
True Conservatism is about ensuring OUR
People survive, to enjoy the use of Our own land,
under Our own laws, by the lights of Our own
The Captive Right of 'Conservatism Inc'(tm) are
liberal-PC-Cultural-Marxists whose job is to play
act like they stand for the Majority as they in fact
sell out the majority 'conservative' citizens to
the money bags that fund both the Captive Right
and the treason lobby Left.
Hear us our people, and weep for your nation as
it has been betrayed. We have been sold for 30
pennies by Judas to the money lenders.
These plutocrats and economic elites have spared
no expense to ensure that all 'allowed' or
'respectable' voices are bought by themselves.
(This is why Trump has them so worked up as he
is NOT bought by them and cannot be trusted to
keep their 'arrangements' in place. However back
to our narrative. )
The Historical Majority Rightful People of the
West are nearly a minority. The Christian values
of the west are almost cast down. The lands of the
Western Peoples are being invaded and
appropriated by foreign hordes of pillaging,
raping, culture destroyers.
All this while conservatism inc seems to fiddle
among the smoldering tire fires in the streets of
the cities which were once the Western lands, like
some sort of collective Nero.
Fires meant to burn out the foundations of the
West. Fires meant to force us by fear and
necessity to submit to PC multiculture and its
death cult beliefs derived from Marxism's
theories about 'universal humanity'.
Fires started by the direct action of the Left,
Captive 'Right' and Big Money that backs both of
the wings of the Two party façade called
'democracy' which a farce and a fraud – the
Demos – that is the majority historical people –
are silenced and keep out of 'archy' – that is
power by all means fair and foul.
Fires started by subversives given legal
protection by the Left and enabled by the
'conservative' leadership who have long since
sold out to the false idols of the Leftist Cult called
Multiculture Political Correctness – false leaders
who value mammon over main street; money
over mom and apple pie – false leaders who are
perfectly willing to fall on their face on command
from PC, Big Money and the Left's Diversity –
and tolerate it as well. Fires, looting, pillaging …
and the Captive Right nary utters a whimper and
that is because:
The left dictates the morality and the captive
'right' submits. (See: St. MLK)
This statement has been the complete and utter
truth since at least the Civil Rights Era – an
openly subversive overthrow of Majority society,
which put modern America on track for today’s
multicultural liberal death cult; an overthrow the
Captive Right supports, since as things stand they
are enthralled, nay captivated, even cuckolded, to
the leftist world view. Their thralldom and
treason come as a set.
Captive Right supports, since as things stand they
are enthralled, nay captivated, even cuckolded, to
the leftist world view. Their thralldom and
treason come as a set.
Captive Right get money and perks, as well as
being physically 'safe' for now from the PC
hordes, so thus is their treason explained.
However what is totally beyond us; What We
cannot figure out is:
WHAT is conservative about common middle
and working class majority citizens playing along
with this rigged game in which 'their own
side' sells them out to the PC Death Cult?
Frankly the answer about, 'Well it is better
then the left/liberals winning', – which we
have all heard for decades—is absurd as the
Leftist/Internationalist are winning in real time,
all day every day and have been winning in a big
way for some time now. (Hint: all the 'teams' in
play are internationalist teams, thus no matter
who wins internationalism wins by default. )
The money supports the Left so the captive right
allows the Left to have its way with their
'conservative' base. It is rather like a pimp giving
a girl out as a favor, actually.