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8d9bd5 No.386455

1.1% Of Global Population Controls Global Economy, Neo-cons Prove Their Allegiance To Satan, Perpetual War For Control

Neo-con RINOs Prove Their Allegiance To Satan!

RNC Tells Republicans If They Attend Christian Forum They'll Be BANNED!


They hate our 1st Amendment and they love war. No different than most the Democrats at this point. "Democracy" is a FRAUD and a sadistic JOKE in the USSA! Boycott military service and any future draft!

Government Says Americans Are Stupid Because We Do Not Like Their Economic Disasterpiece


Why even ask if you don't care about public opinion?

Moody’s Cuts Outlook On US Government Debt To Negative


The highest wealth rung controls $208.3 trillion in wealth, or 45.8% of the global total. Just 1.1% of the world adult population fall in this bracket.


Good Samaritan Arrested After Stopping NYC Subway Assault By Firing Warning Shots


MY COMMENT: Many cities like New York are no longer part of real America!

American Volunteers Flock To Help Israeli Families After Hamas Massacre


Israel Is Now Threatening To CARPET BOMB Other Nations & Their Civilians Too


Despotic Oligarchy Needs Perpetual War To Stay In Power


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4cfa17 No.386460

anti-slide O0DSJ9d; 23o2 '[s==- 1';' 'p;';'' ;'"DD


ew 2


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010ad3 No.386480


Dude, wtf is this?

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33957a No.386483

Communist EU Declares That All Citizens Who Refuse Hell Gates Digital ID Will Be Barred From Society


HA HA! Gun Owners Absolutely Ripped Off Democrat States Exploiting Their Gun Buyback Programs


You could sell an old gun collecting dust that doesn't even work anymore for $250 no questions asked.

HA HA! List Of US Government "Solutions" That Turned To Utter Failure


Hamas Anti-tank Strikes Show Depth Of Powerful Arsenal Facing IDF Forces


MY COMMENT: A lot of those weapons came from the Taliban in Afghanistan after they seized control of $80 BILLION worth of US weaponry! Funny how all the State-run corporate media is SILENT about that!!!

Israel Strikes 40km Into Lebanon, Risking Major Escalation


Saudi Crown Prince Meets Iranian President For First Time


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7e42b6 No.386498

anti-slide 3 &*^*#JNkjkninD*(& *(&(& }F{} {A}P{@L[;L21Q-0KJ1O0J9 DSJ9 8Q0890 JE9

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8d1431 No.387497


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cf1a64 No.387499

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